

Page history last edited by yj112@ie.cuhk.edu.hk 12 years, 2 months ago

Welcome to the wonderful world of ENGG2013! 


ENGG2013 Advanced Engineering Maths


2012-2013 1st Semester



Class Time and Venue:

 Monday  9:30 am ~12:15 pm      Leung Kau Kui Bldg 101


Tutorial Time and Venue:

Monday 8:30 am ~ 9:15 am  Leung Kau Kui Bldg 101

Tuesday 9:30 am ~ 10:15 am   ERB 404






Tutorial Materials


 1st tutorial    18/09/2012 and 24/09/2012 
2nd tutorial
25/09/2012 and 8/10/2012
3rd tutorial 
 9/10/2012 and 15/10/2012
4th tutorial
16/10/2012 and 22/10/2012
Quiz 1 solution  
Quiz 2 solution  
5th tutorial 29/10/2012 and 30/10/2012
6th tutorial 6/11/2012 and 11/11/2012
7th tutorial 13/11/2012 and 19/11/2012
8th tutorial 20/11/2012 and 26/11/2012
9th tutorial 27/11/2012 and 2/12/2012
10th tutorial 4/12/2012
Quiz 4 solution  
Quiz 3 solution  


























skipclass calculator   
MAXIMA worksheet and Reference Solution   
Lecture evaluation  
Tomorrow's Tutorial(18/9) will be in ERB1009 at 9:30. Please attend this tutorial!   
Tutorial 1's notes has been uploaded.   
Quiz 1 will be two weeks from now (Oct. 8th) based on the materials in the first two classes.   
Tutors' office is in SHB 826B, you are welcome to come for help. It'll be better if you can make an appointment before you come. You can also add Tutors in facebook, Yu Junlin and Ma Qian.  
Tutorial notes will be helpful for the quiz. Please try all the examples by yourselves.  
There is a make-up class on Sunday (Oct. 14th) from 2pm to 5pm in ERB 1009. Please attend that lecture because there is free lunch for everyone who comes!  
The free lunch on Sunday(Oct. 14th) will be at CC Canteen for whoever wants it, from 13:00 to 13:45. Everyone in ENGG2013 are welcome!  
Please be reminded the deadline of grouping for the project is this Friday(23:59 pm). Please send your group members' SIDs and your first three choices(in order) to either Prof. or the tutors.  
Quiz 2 will be on next Monday in class (Oct. 22nd).  
For students feel uncomfortable in class, it's strongly recommended to read the corresponding chapters of the textbook: Advanced Engineering Mathematics, 9th Edition, by Erwin Kreyszig, Published by John Wiley & Sons 2005. 25/10
Midterm exam will be in class next Monday (5/11). The coverage includes linear algebra, first order differential equations and some easy second order differential equations. 29/10
Please fill the activity tracking page every week to record progress in the project. Students who do not regularly update the activity tracking page will get low marks. One piece of hand-written A4 double-sided cheat sheet is allowed. 29/10
The project topic result is updated. The topic for each group is your first choice. 7/11
Quiz 3 will be on next Monday in class (Nov. 18th). The coverage includes differential equations and power series. 12/11
Please notice that the MAXIMA quiz/quiz 4/poster presentation will be on Dec 10th, with the MAXIMA quiz starting at 1030 in ERB1007/1008, quiz 4 at 1130 in ERB1009, and the poster presentation from 1200-1430 in ERB1009. 16/11
Please notice that each group can use 6 A4 size papers for the poster presentation 26/11
Here is the Maxima Worksheet. You are allowed to bring hand-written cheat-sheets for both the quiz and the maxima quiz. Please make sure that the only thing open on the screen during the maxima quiz is the maxima screen. 8/12
There will be a tutorial at 9:30am on Dec.10 in ERB1009.  
One double sided A4 size cheat sheet is allowed for final exam  





Candidate Projects


Grouping results

Activity tracking page for group 1

Activity tracking page for group 2

Activity tracking page for group 3

Activity tracking page for group 4

Activity tracking page for group 5

Activity tracking page for group 6

Activity tracking page for group 7

Activity tracking page for group 8

Activity tracking page for group 9

Activity tracking page for group 10

Activity tracking page for group 11

Activity tracking page for group 12

Activity tracking page for group 13

Activity tracking page for group 14

Activity tracking page for group 15

Activity tracking page for group 16

Activity tracking page for group 17

Activity tracking page for group 18

Activity tracking page for group 19

Activity tracking page for group 20

Activity tracking page for group 21




Venue: TBD

Time: TBD






1. Please refer to the old IE course website for some previous information about this course:


2. Much of the material in this course is similar to much of the material in ENGG2011A.


3. All the material in the bridge course is a pre-requisite for this course.


4. WXMAXIMA introduction handbook:  http://homepage.mac.com/li_hung/wxMaxima_m2.pdf

   Maxima sourceforge                         http://maxima.sourceforge.net/documentation.html




Chapter (Kreyszig)  Worksheet  Problem set  MAXIMA Worksheet  Date (Tentative)
Linear Algebra  Worksheet 

Problem set  and

Reference Solution

Linear Algebra 1.wxmx    
Linear Algebra (continued)  Worksheet    Linear Algebra 2.wxmx    
Linear Algebra (continued)  Worksheet    Linear Algebra 3.wxmx    
Linear Algebra -- Vector spaces  Worksheet    Linear Algebra -- Vector spaces.wxmx    
Linear Algebra -- Eigenvectors Worksheet       
Chapter 1 First order differential equations Worksheet

Problem Set

Reference Solution

Chapter 2 Second order differential equations Worksheet Problem Set    
Chapter 3 Higher order linear ODEs Worksheet
Problem Set    
Chapter 5 Series solutions of ODEs, Special functions Worksheet Problem Set    
Chapter 9 Vector Calculus Worksheet Problem Set    
Chapter 10 Vector Integral Calculus Integral Theorems Worksheet Problem Set    






Course Title: ERG 2013 Advanced Engineering Mathematics (Syllabus C)



This course aims at teaching students about fundamental concepts, solution methodologies and operational techniques and applications of the following mathematical topics:

·       Linear algebra

·       Vector calculus

·       Differential equations

·       Second order differential equations

·         Series

Note: Calculus is a prerequisite. If you haven't taken calculus earlier, please talk to the instructor during the first class. 



Content, highlighting fundamental concepts


Topic  Contents/Fundamental Concepts 
Differential equations partial differentiation, separable, exact and linear equations, integrating factors, existence and uniqueness of solutions.
Second order differential equations

homogeneous and nonhomogeneous linear equations with constant coefficients, solution by undetermined coefficients, modelling of mechanical and electrical systems.

Vector calculus
grad, double integrals, Jacobian. First order
Linear algebra

linear system of equations, rank, Cramer's rule, eigenvalues, eigenvectors, orthogonal matrices, diagonalization, vector space, inner product space, linear transformation. Numerical examples.

Series  power series, Taylor series, convergence tests.



Learning outcomes:


1.  Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the concepts, principles, solution approaches and operational techniques for the various topics covered in the course.

2.  Demonstrate the ability to apply the learned techniques to solve simple engineering mathematical problems.


This course contributes to the following IE Programme Learning Outcomes: major: 1, 5 ; minor: 2, 4.




Learning activities


Lecture Interactive Tutorial  Lab (Maxima) Discussions 
in class (hour) in class (hour)
out class (hour) out class (hour)
36  12  20 


M: Mandatory activity in the course

O: Optional activity

NA: Not applicable



Assessment Scheme


Task Nature  Description Weight 
Quizzes (best 3 from 4-5)  Assess quick problem-solving skills 30% 
Maxima quiz Assess proficiency in using MAXIMA  10% 
Midterm Test Assess more advanced problem solving skills 20%
Group Presentation Assess summative experience and teamwork 20%

Final Exam

Assess summative problem solving skills 30%



Learning resources for students


A course web page will be provided for the dissemination of course-related announcements, documents (course outlines, project specifications, marking schemes), lecture notes, tutorial notes, and lists of recommended/supplementary readings and online learning resources.


The course wiki is the main discussion channel for students to discuss topics related to lectures and projects. Tutors will monitor the wiki on a daily basis to response to questions from students.


Recommend Textbook

[Krey] Advanced Engineering Mathematics, 9th Edition, by Erwin Kreyszig, Published by John Wiley & Sons 2005.


Recommended Reference

[Kaplan] Advanced Calculus (5th Edition), by Wilfred Kaplan, Published by Addison Wesley, 2002




Academic honesty and plagiarism


Attention is drawn to University policy and regulations on honesty in academic work, and to the disciplinary guidelines and procedures applicable to breaches of such policy and regulations. Details may be found at http://www.cuhk.edu.hk/policy/academichonesty/. With each assignment, students will be required to submit a statement that they are aware of these policies, regulations, guidelines and procedures.



Student/Faculty Expectations on Teaching and Learning  




Feedback for evaluation:


Students are welcome to express their comments and suggestions via the following formal and informal feedback channels:


- Two course evaluations. First one to be conducted in the middle of the term and the second one at the end of the term.

Students are encouraged to provide specific comments and/or suggestions in addition to the numeric ratings.


- Students are also encouraged to provide feedbacks using informal channels, such as email, course newsgroup,

or simply discussing with the tutors or the instructor directly.




Instructor's and TAs' contact details




Prof. Sidharth Jaggi

Office Location:

SHB Room 706





Teaching Time and Venue:

Mon 09:30am to 12:15pm, Leung Kau Kui Bldg 101



Other information:

Office Hours: by appointment    Calendar


Teaching Assistants/Tutors:



Mr.Junlin Yu                                          Ms.Qian Ma

Office Location:

SHB Room 825                                       SHB Room 825                              





yj112@ie.cuhk.edu.hk                             mq012@ie.cuhk.edu.hk

Tutorial Time and Venue:

Tue 930-1015                                         Mon 830-915



Other information:



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